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Local History Collection

Our Local History Collection consists of books, periodicals, audiovisual and other documents connected to Siófok and the Balaton region. We also collect objects and bequests related to the area, documents of authors, artists, collectors who were born in the region or lived here for a long time, and were parts of the city’s everyday life.

Documents that are part of our Local History Collection are general works, travel guides, catalogues, dictionaries, fiction works, albums, newspapers, magazines, audiovisual documents (documentaries, movies, television news, personal recordings etc.), posters, flyers, postcards, officil and personal photographs and more.

Most of our written documents are in Hungarian.

We organize exhibitions in the Library and the Emmerich Kálmán Memorial House frequently to present the rich past of this area.


We can help your research with documents in Hungarian connected to Siófok and the Balaton region. If you do a research about Emmerich Kálmán, our colleagues at the Emmerich Kálmán Memorial House are happy to help you.

If you would like to do a research in our Library, please contact us:

Phone: +36-84/506-598
