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For children

The Children’s section in our Library is located ont he 2nd floor. Our collection for children consists of almos 29 000 books and magazines for children and teenagers. There are several reading areas and also an activity room.

Anyone under the age of 16 can be our reader at Children’s section.

Our events for children are varied and frequent. We organize activities to help our smaller readers learn to use the Library and get to know the literature written for them, for example reading sessions in Hungarian, crafting activities, exhibitions, family days and themed parties connected to holidays. We invite several guests with different occupations to speak about their work and experiences. Some of our most popular guests are those who work with animals, like beekeepers, veterinarian, owners of well-known and exotic pets, fishermen, but we also invite magicians, puppet shows, dancers etc. Our events are usually in Hungarian, but very interactive, so children with other natonality can also enjoy our programs.

About our upcoming events, please ask our colleagues at administrations desk of the Children’s section, or visit the section’s website: Children’s section.